Tuesday, December 30, 2008



Its friday night beb, so what else can we do? watch movies lar ! hahhha. The plan is to go to Jusco Cheras Selatan to watch Histeria at first. but then, its near 7 already. so we decided to go and watch at Metro je lar since mama wont let Choco drives her car. Its 6.55 pm; Choco and me enter the cinema. The cinema was really dark, and theres only 6 people only that watch the movie including me. 0_0 That freaks me out wey. Ya lar..where got cinema that looks EMPTY like this one. lol
So we got ourself a seat at the center. Then.. XD

Me : Weh, pehal kosong do ? Bapak cuak aku. Duduk kt depan ah wey.
Choco : Yela2. Pengecut ah ko ni. *laughs*
Me : Diam ah ko. Da lar tgk movie kol 7. spe yg xtkot?
Choco : Ler. mne de tkot. aku tgk org lain rilek je. yg ko cuak semcm apesal ? *laughs again*
Me : Ntah. slalu aku tgk cte antu aku gelak je. tp cte ne aku tkot ah..
Choco : .......
Me : weh2, aku nak tuka tmpt lar.
Choco : Asl ?
Me : Tepi aku mne de org. da lar gelap semcm. ahhh
Choco : Pindah je ah.
Me : Malu ah. org tgk. *moves*

While watching the movie..

Choco : *pokes me*
Me : Jgn ah..ko jgn ah tkotkn aku.
Choco : *laughs* WEH! ko tutup mate eh ? wahahahahhh
Me : Mne de. ish

Quite happy but rather having a crushed heart.

Ive noticed that i did a LOT of grammatical mistake in my previous posts. I seriously don't want to be at the same lvl as the idiotic person like him. hahahh. That is just unforgivable. lol.
So yeah, i went to Langkawi. Im just gonna post up some pics and let the pics do the talking coz im a lazy bum. XD


On the first day, we spent the night in Eagle Bay. EB was quite expensive due to the lack of its necessity. All of the rooms are incredibly small! But, yeah i dont really care anyway as long as i can eat the breakfast buffet. lol.

Yummy !

The next day we went to this place :
(I forgot the name. lol)



Then we went to the animal farm ! yay. hahahh.


Usagi <33 me!

Lpas tu naik cable car ! :D

家族 <3

Yup! we were too bored waiting for the cable car. XD. btw, theres a gay couple standing just behind us.
o(≧∀≦)o !! XD
We got into the cable car; and get off at the mountain's peak. (btol ke pggl cmtu? ahahh)



The fatso me. hahahh


After that, we went to the animal farm.(again? XD). but its not in the same place lar.

My dad.


Ducky ducky ducky !!!! Ducky reminds me of An Cafe's song, Ducky no magical adventure. XD


And....here comes the hot springs !!

Oh yeah, i forgot to tell wey. on the second day, we spent the night in the rental car. coz we couldnt find any hotel. all of the hotels are fully booked. my mom booked a room in Eagle hotel but she cancelled it. T_T
So, we dont really have any other choice but to sleep in the car. I freaking hate it. lol. I was cursing all night. && i didnt really sleep. It was superrrrr HOT! Its like me, being a sponge that absorb the heat released from my bro. hahahahh. what the heck lar dey. XD
But, it was all worth it. coz my we bought choc! A bunch of my fav choc !! ahhhhhhhh!! lol. and..my mom bought me a Paris Hilton perfume. $_$ i Luv u mummy! hehhh

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Langkawi, here i come !!

Im going to Langkawi tonight. yeyeyeye. Our flight are at 11 pm i think. i am currently busy packing my stuff. (packing ke packaging? sheessh. lpe siot lpas abes spm. haha) i have to bring plenty of sunscreen lotion. gotta takes care of my skin ma..i dun wan my skin to be a burned skin when i get back here lor..hehe. i 'll update this blog after i come back for mah vacation aite. weehoo
bye aifaa ! i'll be missing u ! slamat brkhidmat utk negara! aja aja fightin ! haha XDD

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Comic Fiesta 08~

I did upload some pics on my LJ. but, i want to show morreeeee. lol
&& my LJ looked horrible !! sheeesh. I shall change the layout tomorrow. 8DDD

Its L-kun minna-san !! lol






Thursday, December 18, 2008


I just got back from SM Town Xmas party. It was superb. The food was SUPER delicious ! No kidding. It was like the best buffet i've ever had. XDDD Neway, this event was joined by the korea forums in Malaysia. They are from Sayang DBSK forum, Soompi forum, smtown forum, etc. Sadly, mostly all of them are DBSK fanatics. Only us ELFs was the fangirls of Suju. *sigh*

Korea Plaza is inside this Hap Seng building. (nme bangunan cm biskut hap seng dowh. wahaha. XDD)

*This is what it looks like in Korea Plaza. A small yet beautiful place. (yeke? haha)

Before anything start, we play a few games. Kinda fun. Got icebreaking, etc. the common game lar. while waiting for the VIPs, we dance. the "tepi, tepi, tepi, dpn, blakang" thingy. guess who the VIP is ? he's the official photographer for Super Junior !!!! *drools*

The suju phtographer.

Then the representative of korea tourism gives her speech. after that is makan time !! after we finished eating, we played summore games. one of the games is the high pich (WTF?!! I dont remember the spelling.hahahh) game. u should know it if u watch KBS World channel.


Camwhoring time !! Tya, Erina and Masho Masho. lol

*See that blue balloon? It means that we're suju fangirls baybeh !! GO GO HEECHUL OPPA ! XD


Its time for the performances. The admin of the forum did a dance performance herself. and there was performances from Junk and the b-boyz. I LUVVVVVVV Junk. It was like so freaking energetic and pretty enjoyable. but it was quite disappointing cuz there was no sign of the existence of any lengchai there. bummer


Theres this one korea guy that sings winter sonata songs kot. u should really hear him singing LIVE. sedap gle2 tp xde la sdap sgt. bole lar tahan sdap gak. hahahahh. i have the video but streamyx cm lembab gle. so im too lazy to upload it.

For those of u who didnt know, it's Jaejoong birthday today ! ;DDD
All of us buy a custom-made cake especially for jaejoong oppa ! <3

The center cake is the cake for the anniversary of SM Town. Jaejoong's is on the left hand side. and on the right, i have no idea whose cake that was.

Very cute ne? happy 23rd birthday jaejoong oppa !! <3

Then makan again ! weeee~


and..guess what ? i won the lucky draw challenge. and i bought the t-shirt. ^^
btw, my bro is wearing the t-shirt. i dont have that flat body. haahh

Time to go back home edi. last picture for the event.


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